Policies | Enrollment & Continuing Registration |
Grades, Credit & Transcripts | Course Equivalency |
Academic Misconduct
All students on University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee programs must comply with all rules and regulations contained within the Student Regulations handbook issued by the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents and contained within the home campus student handbook.
UWM expects each student to be honest in academic performance. Failure to do so may result in discipline under rules published by the Board of Regents (Chapter UWS 14). The most common forms of academic dishonesty are cheating and plagiarism.
The director of the UWM program has the right to suspend or expel a student on a program for violation of any academic or non-academic disciplinary policy pending the appropriate hearings upon return to UWM or home campus.
Non-Academic Misconduct
Student non-academic disciplinary procedures can be found under Chapter UWS 17 of University of Wisconsin System legislation. Examples of non-academic misconduct include, but are not restricted to:
- Conduct which constitutes a serious danger to the personal safety of other members of the university community, including all study abroad programs
- The sale or delivery of a controlled substance as defined by the Wisconsin Uniform Controlled Substance Act (Ch.961, Stats.), or the possession of a controlled substance with the intent to sell or deliver
- Conduct that seriously damages or destroys university property or attempts to do so
- Stalking or harassment
- Conduct that obstructs or seriously impairs university-run or university-authorized activities
- Unauthorized possession of university property or property of another member of the university community
- Knowingly making a false statement to any university employee or agent on a university related matter
NOTE: All participants on study abroad programs are subjected to local law and due process jurisprudence for violation of any and all regulations and/or laws within that country.
Attendance is expected and is part of the academic portion of a student’s program. It is especially critical for short-term programs. Failure to attend classes may result in the lowering of a grade; assigning failing grades for poor attendance; or in severe cases, a student being dropped from the class, thus not receiving credit for the course.
Generally, for a planned absence, students should tell the instructor as soon as possible and make arrangements to take any scheduled quizzes, exams or labs in advance. Permission may not be guaranteed in all cases and should not be taken for granted. Personal travel will not be automatically accepted as an excused absence and should be pre-approved by the academic director.
Registration for the study abroad program is done by the Center for International Education (CIE). Registration cannot be completed and financial aid eligibility cannot be determined if there is a “hold” on your records - this includes the Panther Enrollment Checklist requirement and any Bursar’s holds. Please contact CIE if you have any questions.
CIE will enroll students into a study abroad placeholder that matches their study abroad program. The placeholder enrollment allows the student to maintain full-time status and receive financial aid to use towards their study abroad costs. Students will be enrolled in one or more of the following placeholders:
- Non-Exchange: Global 297
- Exchange: Exmural 100; Exmural 700 (graduate)
- Non-UWM: Exmural 099; Exmural 799 (graduate)
- Faculty-led: Students will be enrolled in actual courses based on the specific program.
Continuing Registration
Students who are abroad and need to register for an upcoming semester back at UWM should use PAWS to do so just as they would at home. If you have trouble with registration, contact your academic advisor. Keep in mind that you can only use PAWS in English* and PAWS operates within the hours listed below:
Mon-Sat: 6:00 a.m.-12:00 a.m. (CDT), Sun: 12:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. (CDT)
*PAWS will work only on computers that are in the English language, so you must set your computer to the English language to use PAWS. Alternatively, you can change the three-letter code in the URL for PAWS to “lang=ENG”.
Grades, Credit & Transcripts |
Credit for UWM-Sponsored Exchange and Non-Exchange Programs
Students who participate in UWM-sponsored exchange and non-exchange programs earn UWM credit and the grades they receive abroad are factored into their GPA.
Credit for Non-UWM Programs
Students receive transfer credit for participation in non-UWM-sponsored study abroad programs and must register through CIE. Transfer credit does not count toward students' GPAs. Credit for non-UWM programs will transfer as long as:
- The program is sponsored by an accredited institution.
- Passing grades are earned in courses taken abroad.
- Grades are verified by an official transcript from the host university.
- Work done abroad does not duplicate previous work.
There are some cases where students will have to request their transcripts to be sent to their home university. For most CIE affiliated programs, this process has already been arranged. If your program requests that you fill out a form, or is unsure of where to send the transcript upon completion of your program, the address is:
UWM CIE Study Abroad
P.O. Box 413
Garland Hall 138
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413
It is the students’ responsibility to have the official transcripts come to CIE first and not sent to Enrollment Services.
Non-UWM students participating on UWM study abroad programs may request an official transcript upon completion of the program and payment of all program fees. There is a nominal fee associated with this request. Please see the UWM Registrar Office’s website for current prices.
All courses taken abroad will come back as electives. If a student needs a course taken abroad to count as a specific UWM course, they must complete the Course Equivalency Approval process. We recommend that students complete desired course equivalencies as early in the process as possible. Academic advisors and UWM schools and colleges use the course equivalency approval form as an internal reference document when verifying that degree requirements have been met and when conducting the graduation clearance audit for students.
To complete the course equivalency approval process:
- Complete the Course Equivalency Approval form.
- Make an appointment to meet with the appropriate department chair or faculty advisor to obtain equivalency approvals.
- Provide course descriptions and/or syllabi.
- Department chairs or faculty advisors should indicate any appropriate course equivalencies and sign the form.
- A physical or digital copy must be sent to the appropriate study abroad coordinator or be returned to the Center for International Education in Garland Hall 138 or via email at
- Students should keep a copy for themselves as well as a copy for their academic advisor.